For the

Learning Resources

We have teacher and student workbooks available, full of Monkey World content to reflect the curriculum. Below you can find examples of the workbooks.

To purchase, please visit the gift shop!

Online Primate Course

Monkey World’s Education Team have compiled a 10-lesson online course on primates which can be used alone or in conjunction with the Teacher Packs and Student Workbooks.

We have provided the first lesson for free below as a example. If you’d like to purchase the full course, or have any queries, please contact us at

This lesson discusses all the characteristics of primates, and what makes this family of mammals different to others, such as cat and dogs.

Below you’ll find the powerpoint slides, handouts, activities and quizzes as well as a glossary and suggested reading.
Email to answer any other questions you may have.

What Are Primates? Video Lesson

What Are Primates? Lesson PowerPoint PDF

What Are Primates? Lesson Slides with Notes

What Are Primates? Activities and Worksheet

What Are Primates? Advanced Level Activities

What Are Primates? Glossary & Suggested Reading

STAMP Lesson Materials

If your little monkey has a passion for primates, try out these activities based around our campaign against the UK pet trade. There is a mix of persuasive writing, debates and processing information. The lesson’s powerpoint slides and notes are included as a pdf and teacher notes to guide your “lesson” are included too.

This is a sample of work our education team present to classes, both at outreach sessions, over Skype and at the park.

Get in touch with us if you’d like to arrange one of these for your class / children.

STAMP Lesson Resource Pack

STAMP Lesson Slides with Notes

Please download and display our informative posters below.

Education Packs

Monkey World has now released Education Packs for teachers and students at Key Stage levels 1, 2 and 3!

The A4 Education Pack for teachers, plus 3 editions of the A5 work books for students can be purchased from the Online Gift Shop.