Following the changes announced today by the government, Dorset has now been placed in Tier 3 and although it is acceptable for the outside areas at the park to remain open, we have taken the decision to close the park effective as of today. This is not a decision that we have taken lightly, however, we have a duty to protect our vulnerable, rescued monkeys and apes as well as the staff who work at the park.
It has been disappointing to find that the large majority of those who have booked to visit the park within the next week or so are currently under Tier 4 restrictions and whilst we appreciate that some who have booked to visit have only just today been placed in Tier 4, this, unfortunately, has not been the case for the large majority who, despite being in Tier 4 since the 19th of December have chosen to ignore the guidelines in place, book and attempt to visit anyway. Sadly the abuse that many of our staff have had to endure when contacting those who have booked from Tier 4 areas has reached a level that we consider to be unacceptable and this has contributed to the decision made.
PLEASE NOTE: Everyone who has made a booking for visits to the park between the 31st of December and the 15th of January will be contacted.