We need your help this Easter- our sister sanctuary, Dao Tien, in Vietnam is preparing to release a family of rescued golden-cheeked gibbons back to the wild, and the female, Kizzy, has given birth! The baby is yet unnamed- so we’re giving visitors a chance to name the baby. This infant will be part of a historic release, so it’s a very real chance to have a part in conserving these amazing primates!
Throughout Easter the park will be fundraising to put rescued and rehabilitated gibbons, loris and douc back into the wild from their sister sanctuary, Dao Tien, in Vietnam, ran by charity EAST (Endangered Asian Species Trust).
Visitors can learn about our agile acrobats, the gibbons, their plight in the wild, and how EAST is boosting the wild population of golden-cheeked gibbons in Vietnam.
This year is a bumper year of releases for EAST, who are returning rescued & endangered loris, gibbons & doucs from the black market trade back to protected forest to help grow the wild population.
Visitors who want to name Kizzy’s baby can volunteer a name, and the best name (voted by Monkey World staff) will be selected. Visit the park throughout the Easter holidays and take part in talks, activities, games & stalls to support primate releases in Vietnam!
Book online now at www.monkeyworld.org/book-tickets/