For the
New arrivals in the woolly monkey house!

Spring has come to Monkey World, and brought new life to the woolly monkey house! Monkey World is delighted to announce that woolly monkey Xingu gave birth to a baby daughter on Monday 5th March, just after the snow melted. The primate care team have been closely monitoring both mum and baby in the past weeks, and both are doing very well. The baby woolly, named Layla, is Xingu’s third child, having previously given birth to Xavi in 2014, and Olivia in 2016. Again, she seems to be taking motherhood in her stride, confidently moving around both indoor and outdoor enclosures with Layla clinging tightly to her back, and giving visitors to the centre a unique opportunity to see these endangered monkeys in the early days of their lives. Woolly monkeys are extremely rare & notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, so the team is pleased both Xingu and Layla are thriving.

Monkey World has been very successful with breeding woolly monkeys over the years, which means as part of the EEP (European Breeding Programme for Endangered Species) they are essential in helping to continue the survival of the species. Last year saw no less than three new woolly boys being born at the park and while it is so special when any baby woolly monkey is born, the birth of a baby girl is particularly good news, and Monkey World Director, Dr Alison Cronin, and her team are very pleased.

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