For the

Where in the World?

Help us span the world with supporters! Click on the map below to see where our supporters have been flying the flag for Monkey World!

Fundraising Campaign

We know that we have supporters all over the world, from the UK right through to Columbia, Pakistan, Israel and Peru to name just a few! But knowing you are out there is not enough! We want to meet you, no matter “where in the world” you are.

Join our supporter’s circle and help us to span the world with supporters. To participate, simply purchase a Monkey World flag at a cost of £20.00 (incl P & P). Once you have received your flag and welcome letter, simply take a picture of yourself with your flag in a location of your choice – it could be your local town or city, a favourite location, beauty spot or place of interest, on a beach, in a jungle, or maybe even from the top of the Empire State Building?

Provide us with a few additional details as per the information sheet provided and then either send or upload your picture to us and we will add it to our “where in the world” map above. Supporters will then be able to (virtually) meet other supporters from across the globe.

I’m sure you will be amazed at how many Monkey World supporters there are in the same town, city or location as you. Once signed up for this scheme, you can take as many pictures as you want with your Monkey World flag from as many different, unique and unusual locations as you like. This scheme really will pave the way for a whole army of Monkey World ambassadors, located across the world. You never know, one day we may need some assistance or be on a rescue mission in a town near you!

To participate in this fundraising scheme or for further information, please visit our online shop, and purchase the flag from “Supporter’s Corner” We are really looking forward to meeting you all!