Bulu Mata
Bulu Mata is a male Sumatran orang-utan (Pongo abelli) who was born at Budapest Zoo on 04/09/14. One week after his birth his mother sadly passed away leaving the tiny baby an orphan. Keepers at Budapest Zoo cared for Bulu Mata for the next few weeks while making arrangements for him to move to our orang-utan creche here. He arrived at the park on 09/12/14. Bulu Mata is very close to Rieke but loves playing rough with the other boys!

Rieke is a female Sumatran orang-utan (Pongo abelli) who was born at Zoo Berlin on 12/01/15. Sadly her mother refused to care for her, so keepers cared for the tiny infant. On 23/02/15, Rieke arrived at Monkey World to join our orang-utan creche. She shares a special bond with Bulu Mata.

Kayan is a female Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born at Twycross Zoo on 16/06/17. Sadly, her mother died when she was only four years old and attempts were made to put Kayan in with the other orang-utans at the zoo. In the absence of her mum, Kayan was not accepted by the others, who were aggressive towards the youngster. On 21/02/23 Kayan was moved to Monkey World to join our orang-utan nursery creche. Having lived with other orang-utans until she was four, Kayan’s social skills are pretty good even though she can be a bit pushy and overconfident. She enjoys long wrestling matches with the other kids and is learning that she does not always get her way.

Hujan is a male Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) that was born at Krefeld Zoo on 01/06/17. His mother cared for him for the first weeks of his life before falling very ill. She needed intensive care so Hujan was cared for by the Krefeld keepers and when they tried to give the baby back to her she would not take him. Hujan arrived at Monkey World on 11/03/19 and was introduced slowly to Tuan’s group. He moved into the nursery group in 2023 when he started taking too much interest in Tuan when he was mating. He has settled really well into the nursery and enjoys wrestle play with the other youngsters.

Aval Kiwi
Aval “Kiwi” is a female Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born on 16/12/2023 at Rio Safari Elche in Spain but her mother sadly rejected her immediately. Keepers tried to give her back to her mother, a first– time mum, and also to see if another orang-utan would adopt her, but attempts were unsuccessful so for the safety of Kiwi she was cared for by keepers while arrangements were made to move her to Monkey World’s crèche. Upon arrival to Monkey World on 15/11/2024 she has been cared for by keepers, and spends supervised time in a back bedroom of the orang-utan nursery, along with Sibu, until she is big and strong enough to live there full-time.
Kiwi cannot be seen by visitors currently.

Sibu Junior
Sibu Junior is a male Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born at Dublin Zoo on 31/07/2024 but his mother was sadly unable to feed him, so keepers stepped in to care for the youngster to save his life. Since he arrived at Monkey World on 19/10/2024 he has been cared for round the clock by keepers, and spends supervised time in a back bedroom of the orang-utan nursery, along with Kiwi, until he is big and strong enough to live there full-time.
Sibu cannot be seen by visitors currently.

Oshine is a female Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born in the wild and then captured as an infant in Indonesia. She was moved to South Africa as an exotic pet. We estimate she was born in 1997 and she arrived at Monkey World 13 years later on 31/08/10. As an infant she was given to a couple living in South Africa to raise as a pet in their home. At 6-7 years old, she became too difficult to keep in the house and the family built her an enclosure. With little exercise and a diet which included sweets and processed food, Oshine was morbidly obese at 100 kgs when she came to Monkey World. She has lost most of her extra weight and has learned to interact with other orang-utans. The youngsters love Oshine.