For the

Hananya’s Chimpanzees


Hananya is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was smuggled into Israel for the illegal pet trade.  He arrived on 28/08/96 and we estimate he was born during 1993.  Hananya became the dominant male of his group in 2004 when he was only 12 years old. He is very protective of his group and provides a good role model to the younger members of his family despite showing his insecurities sometimes. He is a kind leader.


Arfur is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who came to us from Windsor Safari Park.  He was born on 23/04/93 and arrived at Monkey World on 31/05/93. Arfur had to be cared for by our Primate Care Staff when he arrived at the park as his mother did not have enough milk to feed him.  Arfur used to be a nervous chap, always staying close to Jess, but now he is more outgoing and has a boisterous character.


Cherri is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was used as a photographers’ prop in Spain.  She arrived at the park on 24/11/92 and we estimate that she was born during 1991.  On arrival we noticed she had difficulties eating and found that she had a broken jaw.  The vet operated in order to free Cherri’s trapped teeth.  She is a dominant female and even though she has been on birth control she has had three unplanned pregnancies over the years. Cherri was a young mother and did not care for the first two babies properly so they were removed and hand-reared. Third time round she has proven to be a fantastic mother and doted on young Thelma.


Eveline is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was rescued from a Dutch laboratory on 12/02/99 and she was born on 01/03/97.  At the lab she was kept in a small cage on her own.  When she first met chimpanzee Sally, in our nursery, she jumped on her back and never let go!  Eveline has now moved to an adult group and loves playing with the others outside.


Honey is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived at the park on 06/07/99 and we estimate that she was born during 1997.  She was sent to Monkey World by the Royal Family of Dubai after she had been confiscated and given a home by the daughter of the Crown Prince.  Honey is a happy and excitable chimp with a gentle nature. She can be very vocal when it comes to food.


Jess is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who came to us from Windsor Safari Park.  She was born on 25/04/93 and arrived at the park on 31/05/93.  Her mother rejected her when she was at the safari park and our Primate Care Staff cared for both her and Arfur for the first couple of years of their lives.  Jess gets on well within the group and is still very close to Arfur.  During 2005 Jess’ birth control failed and she gave birth to Rodders.


Johni is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was born at the park on 29/09/99 after her mother, Clin, who had been sterilised, gave birth!  Clin was very rough with Johni and was unable to look after her.  The Primate Care Staff cared for Johni until she was able to feed herself at which time she was introduced to chimpanzee Sally in the nursery group. At adolescence, Johni moved to Hananya’s adult group. She was very quickly accepted and now has a high-ranking position in the hierarchy.


Kiki is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was smuggled from the wild for the illegal pet trade in Lebanon.  She arrived at the park on 16/01/11 and we estimate that she was born during 2002.  From the age of two Kiki lived in a small cage, on her own, on the side of a road outside of Beirut.  Despite Kiki’s years of living in solitary confinement prior to her rescue, her introduction to her adopted family went very well. Kiki has made many friends in Hananya’s group and is a very playful chimp.


Kuki is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived at the park on 18/01/04 and we estimate that she was born during 1997.  She was smuggled from the wild for the illegal pet trade in Turkey where she had several different owners.  As a baby she was used on a disco boat to entertain tourists and when she grew too big she was sold to a family in Istanbul.  Luckily for Kuki, the family was very caring and made arrangements for Kuki to be rehomed with others of her own kind.


Marjoline is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was rescued from a Dutch laboratory on 12/02/99.  She was born at the lab on 05/08/96, taken away from her mother at a year old, and was kept in a small cage with many others.  She had never been experimented upon.  Marjoline is a mid-ranking chimp within the group hierarchy. She has a good relationship with alpha male Hananya and often gets her own way as a result.


Patricia is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived at Monkey World on 22/06/05 and we estimate that she was born during 1999.  She was smuggled from the wild for the illegal pet trade and spent the first six years of her life living in a small cage on her owner’s patio in Fuerteventura.  Patricia was an adolescent when she arrived at the park with limited social skills. Initially Patricia struggled to integrate into group life as was unsure of alpha male Hananya. As her confidence grew, Patricia was accepted by the group and now has a strong relationship with her leader. Patricia is a very friendly chimp, particularly to new-comers.


Semach is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was smuggled into Israel for the illegal pet trade.  He arrived at the park on 28/08/96 and we estimate he was born during 1994.  He was confiscated by Israeli Authorities from the home of a drug addict.  Semach has enormous ears, loves clowning around, and plays with all the others.


Simon is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was found tethered to a post at a petrol station in Spain.  He arrived on 26/09/96 and we estimate he was born during 1993.  Simon is a very big lad that is astute – always thinking and calculating.  He gets along very well with all of the females in the group but keeps an eye out as to not offend the dominant male.


Thelma is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was born at Monkey World when her mother, Cherri’s birth control failed.  She was born on 25/09/13 along with her twin sister, Louise.  Sadly Louise did not survive as she had a hole in her heart.  Thelma is a cherished member of Hananya’s group.  The whole group is caring and protective of her.  She is very spoilt.


Trudy is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was confiscated from circus trainer Mary Chipperfield. Trudy’s previous owner was convicted of 12 charges of cruelty when she was filmed beating Trudy with a riding crop. Although fully integrated into Hananya’s group, Trudy still shows signs of anxiety in certain situations and remains sensitive to change as a result of her traumatic childhood. She is looked after by all members of the group.


Tutti is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was smuggled from the wild for the illegal pet trade in Saudi Arabia.  She arrived at the park on 17/07/02 and we estimate that she was born during 2000.  Tutti was confiscated by Saudi Arabian officials and was cared for by a British veterinarian in Jeddah before she came to the park. Tutti is a very political chimp with huge respect for leader Hananya. She is a friendly individual who loves to play, particularly if it involves water.


Valerie is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was rescued from a Dutch laboratory on 12/02/99 and was born on 12/01/96.  At the lab she was taken away from her mother at a year old and was then kept in a small cage with many other young chimps. She had never been experimented upon. Valerie is a very playful, friendly and happy chimp. She is one of alpha male Hananya’s favoured females.


Zeynep is a female chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived at the park on 19/04/04 and we estimate that she was born during 1998. Both she and Kuki were smuggled from Nigeria for the illegal pet trade in Turkey. As she grew, Zeynep became uncontrollable so her owner left her tied to a boat in the middle of Bodrum harbour. After complaints from tourists, she was moved to a small cage underneath a staircase until her owner realised he could no longer keep her. Zeynep is a low-ranking member of Hananya’s group, she is not a morning chimp and loves her creature comforts.