Gordon is a male Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born on 09/12/97 at Monkey World. He is Amy’s son but was born prematurely and had to spend the first month of his life in an incubator. The Primate Care Staff cared for Gordon when he was first born but he was re-introduced to his mother and all the other orang-utans at a young age. He is now a dominant male with fully developed cheek pads.

Amy is a female Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who was born on 23/09/83 and has been at Monkey World since the park opened in 1987. She was born in Britain and gave birth to Gordon in 1997. She still lives with Gordon and is the most dominant female in the group. Amy is a clever orang-utan who is very food motivated.

Hsiao-lan is a female Bornean orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus) who arrived at the park on 24/01/02 and we estimate that she was born during 1994. Hsiao-lan was rescued by the Taiwanese Authorities after being found at an amusement arcade in Kaoshiung. Her name means “little cloud” in Chinese. She is a dominant individual who is very confident around the other orang-utans.