For the

Golden-Cheeked Gibbons


Peanut is a female, golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was confiscated in Britain having been smuggled from the wild for the illegal pet trade.  We estimate she was born during 1998 and she arrived at the park on 25/08/00.  Peanut was smuggled from Vietnam to Thailand where she was then sold to a British bird smuggler before being brought into Britain illegally. Peanut is now paired with Pung-Yo and they have had three babies. Tien, Tia-Nang and Teo. Peanut is a very attentive mother.


Pung-Yo is a male golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was smuggled from the wild in Vietnam for the illegal pet trade in Taiwan. The boat that Pung-Yo was smuggled on was searched by Taiwanese Customs authorities and they confiscated a great number of animals. He arrived at Monkey World on 21/07/01 and we estimate that he was born during 1999. Pung-Yo lives with his partner Peanut. They love spending time together in their forested enclosure.


Teo is a male golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was born at the park on 16/10/11. He is the third baby born to Peanut and Pung-Yo. He is a very playful gibbon and extremely agile as a result from growing up in the trees of his forest enclosure.


Mikado is a golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) that was born at Doue la Fontaine Zoo in France on 28/03/10.  Sadly three weeks after his birth his elderly mother passed away leaving the keepers to care for the tiny infant.  Mikado was brought to Monkey World on 03/06/10 where our Primate Care Staff took over caring for the him. Once mature, he was paired with a female called Tia-nang but Mikado’s soft and nervous character meant that she bullied him.


Kim is a female golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was born at Monkey World on 31/03/08. She is the first daughter to parents Zoey and Jake. Kim was successfully raised by both her parents until she was mature enough to leave her family unit. In August 2013 she was paired with male golden-cheeked gibbon, Tien. Kim and Tien are a close pair with a very strong bond.


Tien is a male golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was born at the park on 18/07/06 to Peanut and Pung-yo. Peanut was an excellent mother to him despite her young age and own experience of separation due to being smuggled from the wild. Tien is a very gentle gibbon with a sensitive character. He was introduced to his gibbon mate Kim in August 2013. The pair are strongly bonded and very happy together.


Jake is a male golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was born at Los Angeles Zoo on 04/02/95 and arrived at the park on 23/11/04. He was sent to Monkey World to be paired with our female, Zoey. Since his arrival at the park, Jake has fathered two babies named Kim and Zak.
Jake and Zoey are currently in an enclosure that cannot be viewed by the public.


Zoey is a female golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was hunted in the wild and smuggled into Taiwan before she was confiscated from the illegal pet trade by the Taiwanese authorities.  We estimate that she was born during 1993 and she arrived at the park on 19/07/00.  Zoey has a very strong character and can be overly dominant towards her partner, Jake.  Zoey and Jake have had two babies, Kim and Zak.
Jake and Zoey are currently in an enclosure that cannot be viewed by the public.


Tito is a male golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who arrived at the park on 03/04/04 and we estimate that he was born during 1997. He was taken illegally from the wild and smuggled into France. The French authorities confiscated Tito, as well as many other wild animals from a small zoo. He is paired with Alex and the two get along well together.


Alex is a female golden-cheeked gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae) who was confiscated from the illegal pet trade by the Taiwanese authorities and taken to Pingtung Rescue Centre. We estimate that she was born during 1992 and she arrived at the park on 19/07/00. In the past, a fight with another gibbon resulted in her left arm being amputated below the shoulder, Alex has adapted very well with only one arm.  Over the last few years Alex has been diagnosed with diabetes which we treat her for. Alex lives with male golden-cheeked gibbon Tito.