Butch is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was used as a photographers’ prop in Spain. He arrived at the park on 05/09/89 and we estimated he was born during 1983. He arrived at Monkey World at the same time as another chimpanzee, Charlie. Butch has quite a strong personality but gets on well with the others. He is one of the dominant individuals in the bachelor group.

Buxom is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived from Windsor Safari Park, when it closed down, on 31/05/93 and was born on 29/01/82. He was born at Port Lympne in Kent and is the half-brother of Jestah. They get on very well and their alliance is a strong one. Together they are high ranking pair in the bachelor group.

Çarli (pronounced Charlie) is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived at Monkey World on 24/05/02 and was born on 20/11/93 in the United States. He was captive born for the entertainment industry and appeared in the Jungle Book movie. Trained as a television actor, he would have been taken from his mother at birth. From 1998, Çarli worked in Turkey making a television series. His last owners realised that what he needed was companionship and asked Monkey World to give him a retirement home and a family of his own kind. Carli is a low-ranking member of the bachelor group and has a friendly nature.

Freddy is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was found wandering alone in a park in Austria. He was probably a pet that someone released when they no longer wanted him. He arrived at the park on 24/11/95 and we estimate he was born 1989. Freddy took a long time to adjust and had limited social skills. He has found his place in the bachelor group as a low ranking individual.

Jestah is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who arrived from Windsor Safari Park on 31/05/93 and was born on 28/12/81. Jestah has a strong alliance with his half-brother Buxom and are both very dominant members of the group. Jestah suffers from an eczema-type skin condition that flares from time to time. Primate Care Staff treat this with a topical cream twice a day.

Kyko is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was used as a photographer’s prop in Spain. He arrived at the park on 05/07/91 and he was born during 1987. His previous owner in Spain dragged him around on roller skates, which did not fit his feet and, as a result, Kyko was crippled when he first arrived at the park. With the proper exercise and appropriate diet Kyko quickly became strong and was able to climb and move around with the others in the group. He is a gentle chimp with a kind nature.

Mojo is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was used as a photographer’s prop in Spain. He arrived at the park on 05/07/91 and we estimate he was born during 1988. His previous owner tried to keep Mojo quiet by giving him valium so when he arrived at the park he was an addict. Mojo keeps himself out of trouble and gets on well with the others in the group.

Pacito is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was rescued from a garden shed in Barcelona. He arrived at the park on 07/11/97 and we estimate that he was born during 1990. When he arrived he could not climb well and he did not know how to behave like a chimpanzee. Pacito took a long time to learn how to understand the other chimps and the best way to interact with them. He still comes unstuck sometimes although the other bachelors try to ignore these instances as much as possible. He is a very playful chimp.

Paco is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was going to be used as a photographer’s prop in Spain. He arrived at the park on 24/04/92 and we estimate he was born during 1991. Paco was rescued, along with another chimpanzee, Gamba, when they were spotted at the docks of Alicante by a Spanish boy named Paco. Paco started off in a mixed sex group but was moved in with the bachelor boys when the rest of the group took a stand against him.

Rocky is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was used as a photographer’s prop in Spain. He arrived at the park on 05/07/91 and we estimate he was born during 1989. While being used on the beaches his previous owner gave him valium in order to keep him calm. When Rocky arrived at the park he was an addict but has now fully recovered. He still has quite a nervous character.

Seamus is a male chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) who was born on 02/03/99 at Monkey World after his mother, Cherri, had removed her birth control implant. Cherri tried to look after Seamus but started setting him down. The Primate Care Staff cared for Seamus for the first year of his life until he was old enough to join the Nursery group. Seamus moved to the bachelor group when he reached adolescence, here he was re-united with old friend Çarli. Seamus holds a low-ranking position within the group and at times will ask for reassurance from the Primate Care Staff.