For the

General Terms & Conditions

  1. Security.  We take the welfare and safety of our primates, staff and visitors, very seriously and, in order to ensure that the park remains a safe place to be, CCTV is in operation throughout the park.
  2. Alterations.  We apologise in advance for the need to alter and/or cancel events, talks or presentations, or temporarily close viewing facilities without notice at any time for safety, operational, or animal welfare reasons.
  3. Vehicles are not permitted to remain in the car park outside the parks normal opening hours or overnight.  We reserve the right to contact the appropriate authorities and take any necessary action, which may include vehicle clamping/removal or legal action for any vehicles deemed to be trespassing.
  4. The park has a First Aid Centre which is located adjacent to the primate hospital, behind the orang-utan nursery.  Qualified first-aiders are available to deal with minor injuries only, and major injuries while they await the emergency services.
  5. Should you lose sight of your children, please inform a member of staff immediately, who will activate our lost child protocol.  Please make your way to the Adoption Centre where we will endeavour to reunite you with your child.
  6. Lost property.  All items, belonging, and other property brought onto the park premises by visitors, shall be done so at the owner’s risk.  We accept no liability for the loss or damage to any such property.
  7. All staff are fully trained in emergency procedures in the unlikely event of a fire or animal escape.  Should an emergency occur during your visit, please stay calm and listen carefully to members of staff who will direct you to the nearest exit or safe zone.
  8. Carers are relied upon to consider the suitability of the venue and to provide adequate supervision for their client(s)/person(s) in their care.
  9. The park is located in the Dorset woodland, and so is in a naturalistic setting for both the enjoyment of our visitors, and the well being of our primates. Please dress appropriately for the outside setting and be mindful that in some areas there is uneven ground, woodland paths, grass- tracked pathways, tree roots and wood chippings underfoot.
  10. Your entrance to the park acknowledges acceptance of the park’s rules of entry and your agreement to not intentionally photograph or video any member of staff or other visitors without their knowledge.  You further agree to abide by the photography/filming restrictions at the park.
  11. Refunds.  If you are unhappy with your visit to the park for any reason, please write to us at Monkey World – Ape Rescue Centre, Longthorns, Wareham, Dorset BH20 6HH, where we will endeavour to deal with your query.  Please note that staff at the entrance gates or in the gift shop are unable to give refunds for any reason.